NATACHA KOLESAR is the founder and spiritual director of the IDEAL Society. A pedagogue, speaker and poet, she dedicated her life to promoting an ideal of fraternity among people. Natacha was born in Russia and received her Ph.D. in philosophy in Czechoslovakia, where she worked as a university professor. She then lived in France and the United States before settling in Canada.
She was a pupil of the Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov, in whose spiritual philosophy she found a true pedagogy inclusive of both our human and spiritual identities. It is with this educational vision that IDEAL was founded in 1996. She traveled around the world sharing the wisdom of the sacred sciences and the importance of awakening to one’s spiritual nature. Her Teachings address themes of self-knowledge and shed light on the fundamental questions of our origins, destiny and the nature of our earthly experience. Although she passed away in 2013, her loving presence is felt by all through her legacy of teachings preserved in a large collection of audio and video recordings and through her written poetry. The intensity of her spiritual love continues to inspire.
A word from the founder
The seed of the IDEAL community was born when its founder, Natacha Kolesar, gathered around her a group of friends to experiment with the concept of an extended family.
“My main area of interest has always been the life of human beings, the power that each person possesses to endow their life with poetry. Having spent half my life in Eastern Europe, then in Western Europe and North America, I observed that we create the qualities inherent to our life, making these qualities shine like a rose garden we cultivate. In this way we can become beneficial to others.
Everyone can receive immense help from their intelligence, inspiration and intuition, but it is nonetheless essential to develop a strong moral, ethical and spiritual training which alone is able to bind everything together. Only in this way can each individual become a healthy cell in the giant body that is the human family.
How can we not have a deep admiration for the exceptional beings who gave an example of a better life directed towards the human spirit: the Collective City of Leo Tolstoy, the International University of Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo’s Auroville, Nicholas and Helena Roerich’s Urusvati Project and the immense contribution of the spiritual Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov...
What kind of magical force did these great educators use to awaken qualities and virtues in others, the seeds of divine origin we all possess? Theirs was an unwavering commitment to the cause, feeding and watering the seeds of potential in every soul to enable them to become strong and bear flowers and fruit. This force, the energy that binds everything together is Love.
These men and women possessed a huge Love and vitality with which they were able to transform lives.
Today we have everything at our disposal to create a new garden of colors and qualities. The twentieth century has opened the door to knowledge which in the past was available only to a handful of individuals. In the twenty-first century, this knowledge is widely accessible. Everyone can study the real structure of man, our place in the universe, our potential, goals and dreams!”
The IDEAL community continues to promote the vision issued by its founder.
Natacha Kolesar
IDEAL Society
"Alliance for a New Humanity" congress in Puerto Rico, 2005. Natacha Kolesar with Dennis Kucinich