At IDEAL agriculture is an educational tool of choice for adults and children. Through conscious contact with our environment, we become aware of our inter-connectedness with the living organism that is Mother Earth. Her unalterable laws and logic are truly awesome.
An example of beauty and diversity, the Earth receives life energies from the sun and the rain. In return, it offers an abundance of seeds, flowers, fruits and vegetables, teaching us how to give and to receive. In our own lives we strive to cultivate harmonious exchanges through the process of nutrition, through our relationships with others, and through the equitable distribution and sharing of wealth.
In this spirit, the products grown on the IDEAL Farm are organic. They are harvested with gratitude and contribute to the wealth of our diet during the year.
Sustainable beekeeping at IDEAL
Organic farming
Beekeeping - honey, pollen
Garden & greenhouses - vegetables, herbs, flowers
Orchards - apples, pears, plums
Berry patch - raspberries, red currants, blackcurrants
Animals - goats, chickens, horses, doves
Food processing - canning, dry herbs, jams, breads.